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Hi all,My application requires to sample a sensor and send the samples out in real time, without saving the samples.I am required to run a low pass filter on the samples, but here is the problem cause if I want to do it on 20 samples for example then...
Hi,I have two STM32H743II MCUs, one of them is USB device and the other one is the USB host, did it sing the cube.then added to the host code the USBH_CDC_ReceiveCallback function.and added the  HAL_PWREx_EnableUSBVoltageDetector(); function after th...
Hi,I have a weird issue !I am developing an application where i Use the M24C64-WDW6TP EEPROM.First I need to be sure, this eeprom have 8KB of memory, every page is 32B so it has 256 the page address = (page number - 1 )*page_size ?? for exam...
Hi,I am developing an application running on STM32F469 MCU to control an LCDGenerating my Code using STM32CubeMX.Using FMC Memry type is LCD_Interface, A23 Data: 16 bitsThe bug I found is in the STemwin_wrapper.c file, in functions : FMC_BANK_WriteD...
Hi,I am developing an application running on STM32H743II MCU and I need to use all the 1Mbyte RAM.I tried to define a RAM_region for every SRAMx, this didn't work properly and not managed to build the project successfully.Another issue is that some ...