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For our application, we require more than 2 bytes to identify the fw version. However, the current SBSFU has only 2 bytes fw version in the header. What is the easiest way to add a few more bytes for fw version? Thanks!
SBSFU considers the secure boot as the root of trust. If we develop the firmware and manufacture the products in a factory (I assume that the firmware should be programmed during the manufacturing in the factory), how to guarantee the secure boot is ...
I have a large application image running on the STM32F427. The image is more than 1M bytes, which make it impossible for dual-image. From ST's document, for single-image, "The user application cannot download a new firmware image: the local download ...
I have implemented an application with FreeRTOS. Now I want to run it as an application with SBSFU. It seemed to have a hard fault in SFU_LL_SB_SRAM_Erase(). It stuck in a place with R15(PC) 0x08008FEC ( The function HardFault_Handler for SBSFU is 0x...
I tried the SBSFU examples (did not change any code) on a NUCLEO-L476RG board and it worked fine. Now I can not use STM32CubeProgrammer to connect the board. Is there any way to download a new firmware ( I mean, a firmware to replace the SBSFU firmwa...