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Hi there,I have a custom board with a STM32F746IGT and I'm using the PA2 pin as the wake up source. It's also the sleep source and maybe that is the issue.With all the electronics around it, the system is consuming about 160mA. I can see that it goes...
Hi there,I've been working with a BT module and trying to use one of its pins to set the boot mode of the STM32F746IGT. I've set the pin HIGH and then issue the NVIC_SystemReset(), but nothing happens after that. I have a blue LED that is suppost to ...
Posted on January 18, 2018 at 09:42Hi there,We're designing a custom board for a customer with the STM32F746 DSP and we wanted to remove the external programmer so it would be easier for them to upload and debug their own code. In order to do this, ...