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Hi,I am trying to program the option byte in STM8S003 controller. I am able to do the same using STVP tool. It is not a practical method on production, so want to add the option byte config in the source code. for that I added the below code snippet....
Posted on June 28, 2018 at 10:44Hi everyone, I am trying to enable IWDG timer and working for me. but i am not able to change the iwdg timeout, it always ~8ms. I am using HSI CLOCK(16MHz) and referring the Example code provided by ST .I think the ma...
Posted on September 27, 2017 at 13:19Hello.I want to using uart1 with STM8S003,  after addstm8s_uart1.c and stm8s_uart1.h and build project, the compiler(Cosmic) tell error'stm8s_uart1.c bad struct/union operand' it's look like somethings not define...