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I am new tp STM32CubeIde and have installed V1.7.0I have loaded a project from the STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.1.0 example applications.The project explorer shows the project tree with BinariesIncludesApplicationDebug etc nodesIf I use Search->File to open F...
Hi, Would anyone have advice or example of how to do Packet Filtering based on Preamble Start in the I Cube LRWan V1.3.1 package using the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 project. Thank YouRegards
Hi, I have an STM32L072 micro. I need to count the transitions on two IO pins.I would like to do it while the MCU is in sleep mode and periodically wake to process the results.In this MCU there is only one LPTIMer . Is it possible to configure the ot...
I am using a B-L072Z-LRWAN1 and the STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.1 End node example with an 8 channel lora gateway set to channels 1-8. The gateway is receiving some data from the End Node. Appears the End Node may be transmitting on channels that t...
Hi , I am using an STM33L072 with the Keil uVision environment. I want to prevent a couple of variables from being initialized on startup The manual says to use#pragma arm section zidata = "non_initialized" uint8_t reset_pos;RtcCalendar_t Curren...