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Hello Community, I'm setting up a test with NetxDuo + MQTT over TLS (aka MQTTs, port 8883) on a STM32F429NIx.As far as i see from the example available it consider a scenario where the client verify the certs provided by the server with the supplied ...
Hi Folks I am porting some code from an old project where i was using FreeRTOS 10 to AzureRTOS.At the end of an ISR callback i used to call portYIELD_FROM_ISR(yield) to give back to the OS(Scheduler) the control on the next valid tick. Is there any e...
Hi all, I'm currently working on a NUCLEO-H723 board , trying to improve performance of FileX/LevelX.First of all, seems cache is enabled (FX_DISABLE_CACHE is commented) and LX_NOR_SECTOR_MAPPING_CACHE_SIZE is set to 8.I'm trying to access to the fir...
Hi FolksI have few question about HTTP server  if someone here in the started playing with it.As i have plenty of flash on the MCU i opted to store a simple html page directly on the mcu flash memory (like done with mkfsdata.exe on LWIP).Streaming ou...
Hi All,I've succesfully implemented an HTTP WebServer into our application running AzureRTOS on a STM32F429.I'm now moving to data transfer over HTTP, in order to have a Web page (entry point) for transfering a binary file (encrypted) to remote updat...