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Hi,STM32CubeMX H7 firmware version 1.4 includes LL drives, but how do you select them in CubeMX? Specifically for the LPUART.Only the HAL selection shows up for an existing and newly created project. See screen shots.Thanks.
Hi.I have the latest STM32CubeMX with a STM32L433 project.I have selected in CubeMX Advanced Settings to use "LL" drivers for TIM1 & TIM2, and the option to "Not Generated Function Call" for these timers.As expected, In the auto generated main() ther...
Posted on June 28, 2018 at 22:54Hi,When memory mapped what is the base address for external QSPI FLASH?I can't find this specified in the data sheet or manual.For the STM32F7 the QSPI base is 0x9000,0000, data sheet table 13.Where is this informatio...
Posted on June 20, 2018 at 14:06Hi.The STM32L433RxT (64-pin LQFP part) is available in a standard and SMPS version.The standard version is marked on the chips for example 'STM32L433RCT6'.The SMPS version has a different pin out and is ordered by add...
Posted on October 11, 2017 at 21:49Hi,The STM32CubeMX repository has discovery board example projects for using QSPI flash.These example projects extern two variables:#if defined(__CC_ARM)extern uint32_t Load$$QSPI$$Base;extern uint32_t Load$$QSPI$$...