User Activity

HiI am working with a project were i am using two DAC channels and a SPI port set to receive mode and I want to use these in DMA mode. I am using the CubeMX to set this up and if I only setup the DAC and SPI in DMA mode, then it works as it should, w...
HiI have a project were i should communicate with an AD7768 ADC from my Nucleo-H743ZI2. The AD7768 is setup as SPI master and the stm32H743 is setup in SPI Receive slave only mode.There is three connections between the two devices, a clock signal, a ...
HiI will setup an application on my STM32H743ZI2 which should make a Client socket connection using the LwIP and netconn. When i'm uisng the LwIP HTTP Server Netconn RTOS example i can make it work and the Netonn API functions is working,If i instead...
HiI'm about to be using the STM32H743 to a project, were is should communicate to an 8 bus parallel ADC. Is there maybe someone who can guide on how this can be done, maybe there is an example, tutorial or other documentation of how this can be done ...
I have a problem with using the printf function in Keil. I used the STM32CubeMX to setup a project and generated the code for Keil. All settings in CubeMX is standard, only thing changed is the USB_DEVICE set to Communication Device Class (Virtual Po...
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