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Hi,I am using a VL6180X sensor withSYSRANGE__MAX_CONVERGENCE_TIME: 63READOUT__AVERAGING_SAMPLE_PERIOD: 255What are the best settings for minimal noise?Are there any other setting I have to adjust?I also have seen the video
Posted on February 17, 2017 at 06:01In the document EVLCMB1-90WADP, is L2 a simple inductor or a transformer? If it is a transformer, then what is the turns ratio?
Posted on January 06, 2017 at 05:54Hi,I am trying to design a power supply Vout=100V, Pout=500W, Vin=110VAC using the STCMB1.From the STCMB1 datasheet and the EVLCMB1-90WADP datasheet is not clear how the flyback and PFC transformers should be desig...