I am using the STm32f401 interface mpu9250 sensor with i2c communication.accelerometer and gyro values are getting, but magnetometer is not working(constant values getting),WHO AM I register getting 0x75 instead of 0x71.Regards,naren
HI,I am using a stm32f401RE chip on my board, a single virtual com port is working fine, but if it is possible to run twice virtual COMS? and what are the processing steps?Regards,Naren
I am using an stm32f401rc microcontroller, peripheral USB mass storage host is not detected, I am generating code as per the USB MSC HOST labs document.MX_USB_HOST_Process(); switch(Appli_state) { case APPLICATION_IDLE: break; case APPLICATION_START:...
HI,I am using touch gfx designer 4.18.1, how to copy the screens my simulator project to board setup project, I did simulator project folder copy and paste in select board setup folder, then it shows an errors
HI, We acquired the data from both virtual com ports, We are trying to transmit the data to both ports, but the single port is only working?CDC_Transmit_FS((uint8_t *)uart_ctx->buf.data[buf_idx], uart_ctx->buf.len[buf_idx], 2 * i) //CDC_Transmit_FS...
Thanks, TDKI am tried as per the above link, two com ports are detected, but data is not sending uint8_t *data = "****technologies \n";while(1){ CDC_Transmit_FS(data, strlen(data)); HAL_Delay (1);}Regards,naren
I have faced a similar issue with an STM32F401 and freeRTOS.I am changing the USBH_PROCESS_PRIO level as "osPriorityHigh" and USBH_PROCESS_STACK_SIZEs to 1024, then it's working fine