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I am using stm32h745, How to make the password encrypted and appear as a star instead of normal characters on custom keyboard?
I am using the STm32f401 interface mpu9250 sensor with i2c communication.accelerometer and gyro values are getting, but magnetometer is not working(constant values getting),WHO AM I register getting 0x75 instead of 0x71.Regards,naren
HI,I am using a stm32f401RE chip on my board, a single virtual com port is working fine, but if it is possible to run twice virtual COMS? and what are the processing steps?Regards,Naren
I am using an stm32f401rc microcontroller, peripheral USB mass storage host is not detected, I am generating code as per the USB MSC HOST labs document.MX_USB_HOST_Process(); switch(Appli_state) { case APPLICATION_IDLE: break; case APPLICATION_START:...
HI,I am using touch gfx designer 4.18.1, how to copy the screens my simulator project to board setup project, I did simulator project folder copy and paste in select board setup folder, then it shows an errors
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