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Dear,I made a project for STM32F030RC with STM32CubeIDE. when I use "HAL_FLASHEx_Erase" function to erase some flash pages (at end of flash that there is no code on it) , the CPU crash. I guessed it is depended on interrupts. so I disabled interrupts...
Dear In Application note AN3126 noticed that : “The audio player demonstration described in this section is a part of the STM32100B-EVAL demonstration firmware, which can be downloaded, together with the associated user manual (UM0891), from the STMi...
Dear,I designed my own board similar to STM3210B_EVAL.I built the X-CUBE-SMCARD project and programmed it on my board.The smart card that I use, response to ATR, but no response and no Ack to another commands ( same as Select File ,...)how can I deb...
HiI have used STM32F030RC.I program the flash memory, using bootloader from PA9 and PA10.I have programmed the microcontrollers first time successfully. But after some program times, I can not program them. I traced the problem. The micro goes to b...
Posted on November 27, 2016 at 07:22Dear,I am using STM32F107 with External 32KHz crystal and backup battery in my product.sometimes in power on, after:  RCC_LSEConfig(RCC_LSE_ON);then wait for LSE readey :while (RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_LSERDY) =...