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Hi!I wrote a program to write a .bmp file to SD card using FATFS. I am using STM32CubeIDE and its generated code. I converted my .bmp file to a byte array online and then copied the array to my program.If i write the whole data at once, everything i...
I made a UART project in STM32CubeIDE. Cube generated the necessary UART initialisation code and created UART_INIT() function (or something like that) in main(). The project worked.Then I decided to add DMA. I regenerated the code and couldn't find D...
Hi!I would like to make a wav. player using STM32 microcontroller. My first step was to generate a sine wave using STM32F103C8T6, SPI interface and external DAC MCP4921. However, it's not working.I attach the schematic of my device.I wrote 2 versions...