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Hello everyone,How can I set a speed limiter when I use the motor in Torque Mode(FOC)?. I am getting an oscillation.I am using St motor control workbench.In addition, motor in speed mode , when I apply a less speed then I am getting the motor in zero...
Hi everyone,for this driver I am seeing 700 ns sw deadtime also deadtime: 800. What is difference between them and which one is in use in application. Second question why it is 700 or 800 ns because according to Mosfet datasheet this values is too lo...
Hi everyone,I am trying to activate HSO option for sensorless control which as much as I know this feature is to start motor without moving, but I cant activate HSO option with these option in attached.I cant find the problem. Thanks in advance.
hi everyone,I cant see usage of MCI_SetCalibratedOffsetsMotor or MC_SetPolarizationOffsetsMotor1 in example project, but code comment says use at least one time in product life. Has this been used before? or  "MCI_StartOffsetMeasurments". does anyone...
Hi everyone, I am seeing  MC library doesnt support Position/Speed/Torque Mode in same application. Is it true? Or library support but user app functions are produced for spesific mode? 
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