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Hello community,we have the problem, that we need more code space for the M4 application and try now to get code area in SRAM2 (IPC area). What we've done so far:Decreased the number of vring buffers to the half: #define VRING_NUM_BUFFS 8 /* number o...
Hello community,the errata says (in combination with the missfunciton of the delay block), that only modes up to DDR50 can be used with the STM32MP1xx.Actually we now have the problem, that writing to the SD card works well but the reading through th...
Hello,actually, our processor STM32MP153 (dual core) is completely full with the "normal" memory regions regarding the MCUs (M4) code and data. So now, we decided to add the RETRAM_data form ORIGIN = 0x00001000, LENGTH = 0x0000F000 /*60k*/The linker ...
Hello,we are working on the ST32MP1. The SPI3 works fine with the CubeMX software combining the DMA2 and FIFO when the board works in engineering mode. But if I perform the same software loaded by Linux (rproc start), the DMA2 SPI stream stops worki...
After reading most of the topics concerning my question and not finding an answer, which solves our problem, here my describtion:We are currently integrating OpenAMP in our Application. For now, we are using the configuration from the OpenAMP_TTY_ech...
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