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Hi everyone.I am selecting in CubeMX STM32F030xC MCU.I see on the screen case where STM32F030CCTx LQFP48 is written.Then I open Datasheet. There is Table 1. Device summary.STM32F030xC corresponds to STM32F030CC and STM32F030RC.Ok. Then I look at pino...
Hi All,I found several topics with controversial information about what is this file used for?Like this: I see in my file several sections [PreviousLibFiles][Previo...
Hi everyone,I am using STM32F410 CPU.I need to send 4096 bytes of data via SPI using DMA transfer.The transfer should be triggered by each TIM1 event.I have read these two posts:
Hi,ALLI have generated project with CubeMX 6.0.1. It contains FreeRTOS.The chip is STM32L4S7ZITWhen breakpoint is hit i see that after 10 seconds (approximately) the program is executed further. Although breakpoint is still active. It is placed in on...