Hi,on an average STM32 MCU, the TLS handshake with AWS IoT Core can take a couple of seconds.It obviously also depends on the network link quality to the AWS broker. The X-CUBE-AWS* STM32Cube Expansion packs include application examples based on mbed...
Hi,to my knowledge, ST has not published any STM32CubeMX pack dedicated to the connection to AWS IoT Core.However X-CUBE-AWS-H5 and X-CUBE-AWS-H7S applications are designed in such a way that the init code is compatible with STM32CubeMX code generati...
The command line examples work in bash (unless the strong quotes get unproperly converted into some character encodings?).Out of curiosity, what command shell do you use?
Hi @Nagarajan ,the best match for starting an application connecting to AWS IoT Core on STM32H563-ZI Nucleo is the X-CUBE-AWS-H5 expansion package.Note however that:1) only the non-TrustZone application variants can be reused, since the TrustZone app...
Hi @ffjunq ,according to this other question Solved: Porting STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AWS to STM32H563Z... - STMicroelectronics Community, you finally managed to get your device to connect to AWS IoT Core.So you certainly found how to import the root...