Is there a way to connect them in parallel with some individual enable to reduce the outward interface of the board. ie maybe connect everything in parallel except for RST line or ??? any suggestions would be appreciated
understand, the TDI and TDO are serialized, but the other two lines are paralleled, for JTAG, but currently it looks like we are only using the SWD interface which is SWDIO (sits on JTMS lines), SWCLK (sits on JTCLK), TRACESWO (sits on JTDO line). w...
we currently also have a seggar unit. How would we connect up the JTAG/SWD interface? Our current connection uses JTD)/TRACE_SWO, JTCLK/SW_CLK, JTMS/SWD_IO and RST. Would we connect all of these in parallel? ie all trace lines together, all CLK l...