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Dear ST-Team,I am using the HAL SPI driver (v1.11.0) on an STM32L072 in blocking mode, 8-bit data size and calling HAL_SPI_Transmit. After some calls, the assert fails because the buffer I am calling it with has a non 16-bit aligned address.I think t...
Posted on March 29, 2018 at 11:34I am trying to separate the code generated by CubeMX from the code I wrote, and mainly, I want to move the pins definitions from the main.h file to my own file.I know there is a template file that can be loaded in th...
Posted on August 15, 2017 at 16:42 Hi! I am using STM32L476 uC to which I have interfaced an SD card via SDIO. I am using the code and libraries (together with the FatFs in question here) generated from CubeMX. The problem is that now and then...
Posted on March 10, 2017 at 09:54Hello, How do I write a variable to the SRAM2 on an STM32L476 ? I am putting the uC in the Standby mode and I am preserving the SRAM2 memory, but I cannot manage to write to it. I am trying like this:&sharpdefine VAR...
Posted on July 08, 2016 at 11:49 Hello everyone, I am implementing some code forSTM32L152D-Eval Board using CubeMX; I set up one ADC channel (on pin PF10) with DMA transfer, but I don't get any data after starting the DMA: HAL_ADC_...