There are two typedefs in the 'stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h' file: 'GPIO_InitTypeDef' and 'GPIO_PinState'. The first has a corresponding entry in the low-level drivers (stm32l1xx_ll_gpio.h), but the other one is missing.It looks like this in the HAL file:/**...
The STM32L100/151/152/162 Reference Manual says that there is a BRR (bit reset register) for Category 3 devices, when, in fact, there isn't. This is a known problem, please see:
Posted on May 24, 2016 at 03:30Hello,It looks like there is a discrepancy between the StdPeriphLib example programs and the Reference Manual regarding the ADC calibration. Which is the correct method?In the RM0008 Reference Manual, Rev 14, Section ...
Thank you Imen,I saw (elsewhere) that the manual was to be updated, but I wanted to make sure the code was, too :)Also, hopefully this post helps somebody...-Jon
Posted on May 11, 2015 at 19:12
File: usb_core.c.
EnableGlobalInt() and USB_OTG_
DisableGlobalInt() are identical. It looks like the Disable function was a copy of the Enable function, and never got modified.
In ...