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Posted on July 29, 2015 at 16:59Hi, I have an STM32L15x. Is it possible to reset the microcontroller only over SWCLK and SWDIO without the reset pin when the microcontroller is in standby mode? I can access the target ID over SWD even though the dev...
Posted on May 22, 2015 at 11:17I am using a STM32L152RC microcontroller and have to detect the length of pulses of about 0.7 V and 3 ?s using the COMP2 comparator. At 2.7 V VCC the worst case propagation delay is 2 ?s in fast mode. A minimum delay i...
Posted on January 27, 2015 at 11:08DocID15965 Rev 12 (January 2015) In section 17.3.15 on page 417 ''Using one timer to start another timer'' it says that TS in the TIM2_SMCR register has to be set to 000, but it should be 010 instead. Is there a s...