User Activity

I would like to use 2 Compiler in one project, the old compiler for the bootloader, where addresses should not change for application and the other for the application to use a newer version.First I tried to select either or from the C/C++ Build -> s...
I'm using .c and .S (for assembler) files in my project. I also using '#include' in the .S files as the GNU compiler pre-process the .c files same as .S files. If I change a #define in a C header file, wich is included in a .S file, the affected .S f...
After update of STM32CubeIDE from 1.0.2 to 1.2 or 1.3 (or installing from the scratch with uninstall before) I can't run the debugger any more. I do not get any output or information in the Debug or Console window. I tried to use H7 with ST-Link and ...
Posted on April 27, 2018 at 12:09Hi,does somebody has the algorithm to calculate the digital Bessel IIR coefficients up to 48dB for an audio application?many thanks
Posted on April 27, 2018 at 12:07Hi,I need the fastest implementation of a biquad IIR filter for STM32F4 in assembler. I have to run more than 60 filters at 48kHz. My current best time are 24 cycles per filter with TDF2 (17 at STM32F7).The order of ...
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