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I would love to get my hands on a STM32Cube project for the STM32F4xx_Ethernet_Example\Project\FreeRTOS\httpserver_socketI would like to make a webserver on the demo board, but don't know how to set up the STM32F407 MCU in the Cube.The demo's are gre...
I am on a project that I generated with CubeMX 4.25.0.RC2 for STM32F303VCT6 and it worked perfectley until I regenerated the code with CubeMX 5.6.1-RC1.First found that USART DMA doesn't work. I found some differences in generated stm32f3xx_hal_uart ...
I have tried to get ADC results from 8 different chanels on 3 ADC's using DMA so that the fresh values are always avaliable to me on STM32F303I used Cube MX to configure the ADC's and DMA's. After initisalization I did:   HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (u...
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