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Hi ;I have worked with STM32F429i to generate square signal with various frequency. The value of frequency can be shown on OLED SSD1306. I configured I2C1 to connect with this display.When I connect just Rotary encoder, i can see the change of freque...
Hi All;I used the following instruction for STM32F429I, but there is error.Could one help me please. void EXTI0_IRQHandler(void){ if (EXTI_GetITStatus(EXTI_Line0) != RESET) // Here the ERROR <--------------------{ /* USER CODE BEGIN EXTI0_IRQn 0 */ i...
Hi All;I am working on an STM32F429I timer (PWM-mode1) to obtain two signals then I want to use AND gate inside the program (the input is the two signals come from timer Ch1 &Ch2) and designate one pin to be the final output.
Could you please show me a simple configuration for STM32F429I to show some variables on LCD.
HiI am working on changing the frequency of the square signal which comes from STM32F4. I used Timer and ADC simultaneously where I change ARR and CCR1 accordingly to change the frequency. When I use an incremental loop for these values I can get dif...