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Hi, I am trying to set SysClock to 216MHz using stm32f769xx.hI have no access to MCO pins, so for testing I am trying to blink a led every second. ARR and PSC values to achieve it will confirm if I am to desired SysClock frecuency (Blink led using ti...
Hi,I am facing some issues related with VL6180x offset calibration (I am not using cover glass, and I have tested many sensors on breakout boards from Adafruit and Pololu).First, with default SYSRANGE__PART_TO_PART_RANGE_OFFSET value, range measureme...
Hi everyone,I have an VL6180X connected to a PIC18F46J50. VL6180X is powered to 3V3 and I have implemented I2C routines and application code as in to work in single shot...
Hi, I am new on STM32 and I started a product prototype using STM32F769-Discovery. I developed all software using default clock configuration, which uses HSE. Now I want to change to HSI, but USART is not working ( Not true, only works when board res...
Hi, I am trying to get working IWDG using HAL_IWDG library and I am not able to refresh the watchdog before IWDG_Reset. As is said in page 6: (
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