I wanna use big number in my board.So, i try to use 'gmp.h'.But when i use 'mpz_init' function, that have error message like this. -> 'undefined reference to `__gmpz_init''Should I make this function myself????
I coding in C/C++, and using SPI function through 'HAL_SPI_Transmit' and 'HAL_SPI_Receive'.TPM module send me only 'ff ff ff ff ... ff ff'.i see the tpm module's manual, but i can't understand.plz, tell me a few example code.
Thank you for your reply, Jack Peacock_2!As far as I know, full-duplex is impossible for TPM modules.So, i set my MASTER node to half-duplex.I think, data is wrong, When I send to SLAVE(TPM).I send data like this :char data[] = "011111110001101000...
Thank you for your reply, TDK!I entered in that link, but actually my key question is 'how to set data field to send TPM module through SPI function'I set environment like this:SPI Baudrate : 16CPOL : HIGHCPHA : 1EDGEThe above settings were made b...