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Good afternoon to everyone!I have some problem with flushing or rendering.My settings:partitial framebuffer, 4 bloks, 16bpp, 32000 block size;internal RAM for framebuffer;use DMA2D and DMA2 for FMC (STM32F469);Problem - after start UI if we press "Re...
Hello! In project i am get in interrupt touch coordinate and handled in STM32TouchController::sampleTouch:bool STM32TouchController::sampleTouch(int32_t& x, int32_t& y) { /** * By default sampleTouch returns false, * return true if a to...
My config:I am use FSMC for communication over intel 8080 without DMA with SSD1963 LCD driver;My custom display 100x100 pixels;I am not use touch;I am use internal framebufferI am configure my project with as: