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Hi I have designed a custom board using stm32h743iit6 and used an SDRAM and LTDC as well,the problem is that right now Ltdc is working fine with the LCD and FMC is also working fine but when I combine them together the MCU becomes unresponsive, for e...
Hi everyone,I'm trying to use LL drivers for STM32F103 series using CubeMX and my problem is that when i try to send a byte LL_USART_TransmitData8(USART1, data) the USART Transmission Complete Flag is never set and no data is transmitted through .I ...
Posted on June 28, 2018 at 12:15Hi everyoneA while ago I used Nucleo 144 board and the ethernet interface successfully with Freertos and LWIP. then I designed my own custom board using STM32F407ZET6 and Lan8720 ethernet PHY. just to make sure, I als...
Posted on June 03, 2018 at 09:31Hi everyone and thanks for the  help in advanceI'm trying to read 4 channels of ADC using stm32f043 MCU and get the results on DMA interrupt, the problem I'm having is that I can only get accurate and fix results from...