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Hi,My problem is that I have "no stm32 traget found" message when I try to connect to a board by SWD through a ST-Link/v2 (no board identified). On oscilloscope, when we look on SWDIO pin, a little event happens when initializing connection on stm32c...
My P-NUCLEO-WB55 seems not not work anymore, no program is working LED6COM is workingLED5 is ON LED4 is OFFHow do i check if my board is broken ? When I power on the board, the LED1 is turning ON then OFFWhen I try to debug it gives this :STMicroelec...
Hi,I'm trying to program the (in Pro Mode), I've tested the available examples from Function Packages and they are working. The thing is when I create a new project for the with CubeIDE then CubeMX, the BSP generated and...