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Hi,I am currently doing some tests measuring the battery voltage on a system using the STM32WLE5, I am measuring both v_sys and v_bat. I am running into an issue with the v_bat measurement, I am seeing alot of noise compared to the v_sys measurement....
I have a program that requires a 30 second wake up period to feed a watchdog but use as little power a possible. To initiate the LPTIM using an external 32.768kHz watch crystal I am doing this:__HAL_RCC_LPTIM1_CONFIG(RCC_LPTIM1CLKSOURCE_LSE); //LSE L...
I am using an LPTIM1 with a 64 Prescaler and a count of 15360 which, with an external 32.768kHz watch crystal, gives a 30 second period. With an IWDG with a Prescaler of 256 and a 32kHz gives 32 seconds. The device should go into STOP2, wake up from ...
I am using the VBAT pin to measure the voltage of my battery, but the readings I am getting through this pin are always off by about 3%. The datasheet ( claims that there could be +-10...
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