User Activity

Hi,I'm playing with the LwIP stack on an STM32H723 Nucleo. I did everything regarding the variable placement, MPU config in the ram that needed to set up LwIP. With static IP it works just fine. I could ping it and I could implement an UDP server exa...
Hi!I am working with a STM32L053 MCU. I would like to write to the internal eeprom, and based on the datasheet it takes 3.2 ms.I have doubts that during that time interrupts will be ignored. It is not clear for me why. I thought that the code is in t...
Posted on February 23, 2018 at 11:13Hi everybody, in our application we use the LIS2DS12 sensor and we would like to perform a continuous long term data acquisition at high data rate. In order to achieve it, we use the LIS2DS12 in Continuous mode a...