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HI all,I am currently trying to port the STM32 USB-PD Example to another Board with other firmware. And still running into issues, I am unable to solve :\1. I can not receive UART Data via HAL_UART_RECEIVE_IT, as the callback is not called.2. I can n...
Hi there,I am running a board simmilar to the X-NUCLEO-SRC1M1 but with a different pinout at the MCU. More detailed, my ISense and VSense Pins are connected to ADC9 and ADC10 instead of ADC0 and ADC15.The example works with the nucleo Board just fine...
Hi there,I am developing an application with a USB C PD Source. Components used are STM32G0G0B1RETx and TCPP02-M18.HW Setup is as in the Nucleo Board example, just the ADC Pins are different and voltage divider values are changed.FW Setup is almost s...
Hi there!I am trying to spin a motor with a STM32F3 MCU and the Motor Control SDK.I am able to use the Motor Profiler to generate a profile of my PMSM and spin the motor via the computer. Importing the motor profile into the ST Motor Control Workbenc...
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