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Hello ST guys:We have used LSM6DSV FSM function and LSM6DSV supports 4 external sensors. We have seen that SINMUX command is used to change the input source for FSM as follows:But which one of four external sensors will be chosen to use for FSM? How ...
Hello ST guys:We want to use LSM6DSV(IMU) with an external magnetometer(LIS2MDL) through Sensor Hub mode to gather data and place acc, gyr and mag readings in the FIFO. We want to make INT2 into an input signal which triggers the sensor hub. And we c...
Hello,We want to use LSM6DSV IMU sensor with external 3-axis 18-bit high-precision magnetometer sensor through IMU sensor hub function also with its FIFO function. We refer to following LSM6DSV sensor hub example:
Hi ,guys:I have use the following code to read accelerometer data but the sensor data X, Y, Z are always 0 and I check register WHO_AM_I and it is quite correct. And I also check Status register but the DRDY always 0(means Sensor data not ready).uint...