2024-08-26 11:57 PM
We want to use LSM6DSV IMU sensor with external 3-axis 18-bit high-precision magnetometer sensor through IMU sensor hub function also with its FIFO function. We refer to following LSM6DSV sensor hub example:
We found that we can't get 3-axis 18-bit (3 x 3 = 9 bytes) mag sensor data from above example. It seemed that we can only get 3-axis 16-bit (3 x 2 = 6 bytes) through sensor hub with FIFO function. Because our total sensor data size has 9 bytes more than 6 bytes, we don't know how to use sensor hub to get 9 bytes mag sensor data with LSM6DSV. Could you give us some suggestion to acquire 9 bytes data from sensor hub or workaround method?
Thank you very much.
2024-08-28 11:42 PM
Hi @NWang.1 ,
Unfortunately we don't have an example with a 3-axis 18bit, however you will have to put 3 bytes to read for the 18 bits and then as subadd you will have to put the register from which the data starts. If the data are non-contiguous, you could configure several readings separated by the right points.
2024-08-30 1:38 AM
Hi Bossi,
Thank you for your information. For our purpose, we want to acquire 3-axis(18-bit data for each axis) 9 bytes at once. We use following code to initialize IMU:
sh_cfg_read.slv_add = (MAGNETOMETER_SLAVE_ADDR & 0xFEU) >> 1; /* 7bit I2C address */
sh_cfg_read.slv_subadd = MAG_REG_HXL;
sh_cfg_read.slv_len = 6; // HXL,HXM,HXH,HYL,HYM,HYH,HZL,HZM,HZH
lsm6dsv_sh_slv_cfg_read(&dev_ctx, 0, &sh_cfg_read);
lsm6dsv_fifo_sh_batch_slave_set(&dev_ctx, 0, PROPERTY_ENABLE);
Then we want to acquire 9 bytes mag sensor data from while loop or drdy interrupt signal.
int imu_sensor_data_poll()
ret = lsm6dsv_fifo_status_get(&dev_ctx, &fifo_status);
num = fifo_status.fifo_level;
while (num--)
/* Read FIFO sensor value */
lsm6dsv_fifo_out_raw_get(&dev_ctx, &f_data);
switch (f_data.tag)
// Here We want to handle 9 bytes mag sensor data
But we found that the above code slv_len(Slave0_numop[2:0]) shouldn't exceed 7 according to following figure from datasheet:
What does this sentence "If the data are non-contiguous, you could configure several readings separated by the right points." mean? Can you provide some more detail information about it? Thank you very much.
2024-09-09 12:49 AM
Hi, ST guys:
Can we initialize sensor hub function to read 3-axis 18bit mag data on LSM6DSV IMU as following code:
# Note connect only one mag sensor but use same address
sh_cfg_read.slv_add = (MAGNETOMETER_SLAVE_ADDR & 0xFEU) >> 1; /* 7bit I2C address */
sh_cfg_read.slv_subadd = REG_ST1; // Read fix 6 bytes for status and X,Y axis
sh_cfg_read.slv_len = 6;
lsm6dsv_sh_slv_cfg_read(&dev_ctx, 0, &sh_cfg_read);
lsm6dsv_fifo_sh_batch_slave_set(&dev_ctx, 0, PROPERTY_ENABLE);
sh_cfg_read.slv_add = (MAGNETOMETER_SLAVE_ADDR & 0xFEU) >> 1; /* 7bit I2C address */
sh_cfg_read.slv_subadd = REG_HYH; // Read remaining 6 bytes for Z axis and status
sh_cfg_read.slv_len = 6;
lsm6dsv_sh_slv_cfg_read(&dev_ctx, 1, &sh_cfg_read);
lsm6dsv_fifo_sh_batch_slave_set(&dev_ctx, 1, PROPERTY_ENABLE);
while (num--) {
// Get mag sensor first 6 bytes data for status and X, Y axis
// Get mag sensor remaining 6 bytes for Z axis and status
Can we use above method to acquire 12 bytes data from mag sensor? Thank you very much. Note: We have only one mag sensor.