Posted on June 07, 2018 at 09:36I am using stm32F0 and Stm32L0 series MCUs.APB1ENR in Stm32 has Power interface clock enable bit (Bit 28). I have gone through the reference document to unserstand what is its significance. Bit 28 PWREN: Power interf...
Posted on April 09, 2018 at 12:56Hello All,I am using STM32F030C8 MCU. I have configured SWCLK pin as output and programmed it. but after configuring the SWCLK pin as output, I am not able to reprogram the MCU again with programmer. Please help!!!#
Posted on January 15, 2018 at 13:39I am using STM32f030C8 controller. As per RM0360 ref. manual, baud rate calculation is as below (Section 23.4.4): USART baud rate generation: The baud rate for the receiver and transmitter (Rx and Tx) are both set...
Posted on June 07, 2018 at 11:00Hello Sir,Could you please help me understand how it enables the registers described in chapterPower control (PWR)?Thanks,Ravindra