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Hello,Not a question but since I searched for this information and could not locate it anywhere, I post it here to maybe help others.When calling aci_gatt_init(void), it is said that the Service Changed Characteristic is added automatically. /** * @...
BLE-HID demo of STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.14.1 not working with Android 13 ?Hello,The BLE_Hid of demo STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.14.1 does not work with my Android 13 phone at all (services cannot be listed at all in nRFconnect)while it only kind of works with my A...
Hello,On a STM32WB55REV, I'm having problems with going to standby.These problems are intermittent (1 in 30 cycles maybe, sometimes 3 in a row, sometimes none for a hundred of cycles...).I only started seeing them after I enabled BLE in my applicatio...
Hello,in STM32CubeProg v2.11.0, in the Registers (BETA) tab, peripheral ADC, register SMPR1, the entry SMP0 is missing (it's the VREF INT channel).Best,Nicolas
Hello,While using the RTC_BKP registers with HAL_RTCEx_BKUPWrite seems all right, the definition of the registers in stm32wb55wxx.h are not. Maybe they should not be present, or they should be fixed, but having symbols defined that do not lead to wha...
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