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I'm making a PCB for a project and am using the STM32F411CE (Otherwise known as the "Black Pill"). However, after spending many hours looking through the data sheet and searching online I'm still not 100% sure I understand how to power this board via...
I have been programming with the STM32F411CE and I have now had this happen multiple times to different boards. Basically I program the board a few times and then all the sudden it will no longer connect. I get the following message from cubeIDE, STM...
I am using the STM32F411CE to interface with a 16x2 LCD. I wrote a program to initialize the LCD but it hasn't been working. When I attached my logic analyzer to the pins I discovered some odd behavior that I cannot figure out. The program starts to ...
I am trying to use DMA to capture data in the background (from ADC) while I use PWM to control 2 motors. When I use DMA to capture the ADC values from my sensors it works fine. When I only use my PWM timers (without DMA in the background) the PWM wor...
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