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Did someone has developed an i2c driver for SPC56EL70L5 that has no on board specific peripheral?Thanks
Trying to compile an example (SPC560Pxx OS-Less CAN Test Application for Discovery) generated by import wizard, the workbench no longer generate the makefile
I'm using the demo board SPC560P - DISP and the example SPC560Pxx_RLA CAN Test Application for Discovery .This Test Application use the CAN loopback, if I remove the flag of FlexCAN Enable Loopback in the can configuration setting I'm expecting to se...
I'm experimenting the example SPC560Pxx_RLA PIT Test Application for Discovery.It is simply a 3 led flashing using PIT.Is it possible that the frequency of the example is wrong? It is exactly doubled, instead of 4,2,1 Hzi read 2,1, 0,5 Hz.The quartz...
Is not clear for me How to integrate UDE PLS debugging in spc5 studio (eclipse).
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