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The officially recommended recipe for lwIP on STM32H7 puts the ethernet DMA descriptors in SRAM1. SRAM1 is not zero'd by the default startup code.It's unsafe for the network drivers to assume that buffers and critical data structures live in .bss.F...
I've got my OctoSPI interface working for NOR reads and writes, but Auto-polling is sending too many bytes. The Data Length Register (DLR) is set to 0, for one byte of data, but I get the instruction plus two bytes. If I set the DLR to 1, I get...
I've got a strange problem. My custom-built board has SWD problems after cold reset with my code. I don't think that my code is directly responsible for altering the SWD interface.I'm using an in-house SWD probe that has a long history. JTAG/SW...