I use STM32H723VET6. Bootloader ver 9.2. When I can send command GO at FDCAN (PD1, PD0), I receive ACK(0x79), but after that MCU is fail.My function:void BootCanGo(uint8_t* answer){ uint32_t Delayer = 0x8FFFFF; uint8_t SendedData...
I tried the GO command on STM32H743zi via uart. Сonsidering the limitations described in AN2606, the command operates as described in AN3155. I tried to apply these limitations to H723, but to no avail.
I get an ACK related to the GO command with correct address. If I send a wrong address, I get NACK. In all cases when I receive ACK (for different addresses in the GO command, for example 0x08000000, 0x08000004, ...) a MCU failure occurs.But the Syst...
Ok. My knowledge of assembler is not deep.After reset:0x1FF11AB2 E8BD4070 POP {r4-r6,lr}
0x1FF11AB6 F7FFBD38 B.W 0x1FF1152A
0x1FF11ABA E92D4FF8 PUSH {r3-r11,lr}
0x1FF11ABE 2000 MOVS r0,#0x00
0x1FF11AC0 F8...
I read System memory (0x1FF00000 - 0x1FF1FFFF) in this .bin file. I couldnt load .bin and added .hex permission.AN2606, Table 77:59 Kbyte starting from address 0x1FF00000, contain the bootloader firmware.
Above in the line of the disambler:-> 0x1FF1274E F7FFF9B4 BL.W 0x1FF11ABA there is a write the address of the next instruction to LR: 0x1FF1ABA, which does not exist.