Hi. I cannot start a new project in the STM32 IDE. Tested in 2 diferent instalations (computers) and the same error ocurrs: STM32CUBE_FW_H7_V1120 CANNOT UNZIPPED NO LOADED STM32H743
Hi, I am facing an problems that I have never seen before with local variables being allocated at the same addresses of global ones. In the attached image I show an example of a local variable with the address of another variable in the STEmwin libra...
Hi, I'm getting transfer error from DMA interrupt by the attempt to get image from the DCMI. Already lost some days on that and don't know what could be the problem. I've tested successfully the camera and the initialization code in STM32F429-DIS...
Hi, What could be possibly wrong to make the RTC hour keep count up above 23 hour. With some boards it works correctly, going to 00 from 23. but some other keep count up 24, 25... How is that possible? There is any configuration to do that?
Solved. Many thanks to all. Using the calloc it was possible to see that the function needed more HEAP memory, being necessary to allocate 70kB (0x110000) for the calloc not to return NULL, checking the function I estimated the consumption of 35kB i...
Thanks for the tips, I'll check.I started looking for overflow that are the most common error for this type of hardfault and it was running step by step, and checking the limits I noticed the tag with the name of a global variable, which in this case...
Thanks for the tip. I will try to use the native malloc to see the effect. I used a customized malloc that, at first, seemed to have resolved since address overrides did not appear in this function, but this "mymalloc" uses SRAM_D1 and not the DTCM ...
"Check you've initialized the structures properly"I will review the structures, they were not made by me. It is difficult to imagine what kind of errors in a structure could mess with the allocation of the starting address of the heap memory at the e...