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I got an interesting bug when working with the queue (STM32CubeMX 5.6.1 + lib 1.25 in STM32F407VGT6):typedef struct{ uint8_t* data; uint16_t len;} message_t;uint8_t str[] = "hello\n"; for(;;) { message_t* message; if ((message = osMailAlloc(ComOutput...
Creating a template for the STM32F407G-DISC1 project in STM32CubeMX 6.0 (library 1.25). Adding FreeRTOS CMSIS-v1 to the project. Changing the size of the heap and stack to 0x2000/0x4000. Building a project for SW4STM32.In the StartDefaultTask() task,...
Hello, i have got problem with basic project form STM32CubeMX. Help please.This is my project for STM32CubeMXI write in SW4STM32 main.c:* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */ #...
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