Would it be possible to have a description of i2c read / i2c write commands (start condition, ack, end condition ... ). I cannot find this description in STSAFE datasheet.best regards,Thierry
Posted on July 03, 2018 at 12:16Dear ST team,I am working with the ST25DV chip (I use ST25DV_Discovery_Ant_C5 hardware conected to my processor with wires). VDCG is connected to VCC. LPD is High while the device is not active. I set LPD Low when a G...
Hello Benjamin,Thanks for you reply - I have finally solved my issue. I was not executing the proper I2C sequence for reading the response. I have rewritten my read() service based on some esp32 examples (my project uses esp32) and it works now,Best ...
Hello, here is one precision about what "not working" means:I2C Read and I2C write functions seem to be working (i.e. they return OK, while if I change the I2C address for instance, they fail)But the device always replies with a first byte equal to 0...