This uplink frame count increment error frequently occur when we reducing tx duty cycle. Please give me any solution this happen so many times in a day.
Hello @Louis AUDOLY According to you I have tried LoRaWan_End_Node exampleWhen I used ADR then i faced framocunt errorWhen I not used ADR but default data rate then i faces again that error.So you can explain there is network problem or not?Also ans...
@Andrew Neil I am using the STM32CubeWL Firmware Package v1.0.0 ( release date 28th Oct 2022) This consist the 3rd Party LoraWan Middleware package as per below LoRaWANV4.4.4BSD-3-ClauseV2.2.1ST release notesFor Network , yes we have full control on...
LoRaWAN Version -V1.0.3Network Operator - Private Lora network using chirp spread spectrum technology.We have used own Custom device making using STM32WL55JC chip.