We need to transmit and receive I2S data at the same time.But we can’t transmit and receive at the same time now.Then we want to know whether the SAI of STM32L433 can achieve features similar to full-duplex?If yes, is this setting correct?
Could we used the SPI interface control the 5V LED Driver IC?STM32L412's VCC is 3.3V, SPI's pins are FT_f type.LED Driver IC's VCC is 5V.Is there anything that needs extra attention?Will there be problems with SPI operation?
We set the I2S master full duplex and cannot achieve cyclic execution.only run once.Under the same setting, half-duplex can be executed normally by executing TX or RX alone. 1. hi2s1.Init.Mode = I2S_MODE_MASTER_TX HAL_I2S_Transmit_DMA(&hi2s1,...
Hi Peter,Thanks your answer.In the STM32L4 series, we can set the internal pull-up in Standby mode to keep the pin voltage at High. HAL_PWREx_EnableGPIOPullUp(PWR_GPIO_A, PWR_GPIO_BIT_0);HAL_PWREx_EnablePullUpPullDownConfig();Is there a similar wa...
Hi Javier,The audio rate is 24 bits and 96K Hz.The X-Cube-Audio release node has the following massage: The playback support 24 bits and 96KHz, but we don’t know if the full series of MCUs supports.