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Hello Experts,My goal is to send data between stm32h745 and stm32h750 disco board via FDCAN. However, I am not sure if this circuit works properly. Also, I don't have any CAN analyzer/tool in my hand now. So, I have doubts regarding the circuit for F...
Hello Community,I would like to receive and transmit the data via FDCAN.However, I cannot find the real pin on the STM32h745/50 Discovery Board.The Microcontroller pin of FDCAN1_RX is PH14, PA11, PD0, PB8, and PI9.The Microcontroller pin of FDCAN1_TX...
Hello Community,I am using STM32h745 dual-core to display the value of the data received based on FDCAN. First, I created a project on TouchGFX and then imported the project on stm32CubeIDE.   I set the FDCAN1 and ADC1 both on CubeMX. But the workspa...
Hello, I am doing a project related to using FDCAN to transfer data. The project is based on stm32h745 dual-core. First, I created a project on TouchGFX and then imported the project on stm32CubeIDE. I set the FDCAN1 (video: 00:01) on the Pinout&Conf...