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I have build the project with Nucleo_U5A55ZJ-Q with 1.4.0 and 6.2.0 library from the start, following the example code (working) with IOC setup (USBPD and USBX).  After fixing the CSRST issue earlier with missing __HAL_RCC_SYSCFG_CLK_ENABLE() but I n...
I have an eval board (Nucleo STM32U5A5) working with the CDC_ACM demo code (UCPD/USB_HS, which was written in 2021). I then created the CDC_ACM from scratch with the majority of IOC parameters's configuration copied over from the demo IOC and MOOC tu...
I struggled with the difference between STM32U5G9J-DK2 and STM32U5G9J-DK1. The STM32U5G9J-DK2 link to the STM website is not working or is missing. It seems to me the STM32U5G9J-DK2 is a newer, cheaper variant, but what is the difference with DK1? I ...
I found the CubeIDE (1.14.0) along with CubeMX (6.10.0-RC9) impose size limit of 192K in RAM1 where in fact there 738K SRAM1. Is there a reason for these constraints under Azure FileX?Thanks.  
I have written quite a bit of code to familiarize myself better with Azure FileX with 192K sram, and so far, it is working well under ThreadX. The Azure FileX documentation made clear that FAT12 has a maximum number of bytes of 4096 per filename whic...