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I cannot find the external requirement for wakeup pins PA0, PC13 and PB3 on STM32WL55.Do they need a pullup (e.g. 10K) to keep the output state once the MCU goes into one of the sleep modes?Thanks
Question 1) ST has recently removed the deign of MB1389 (NUCLEO-WL55JC1) form the website. Were there any known issues (perhaps recently found) with the MB1389 design? Question 2) I have found the design of MB1720 in this forum but nowhere in ST web...
As far as I have understood, CS2 can be used for BlueNRG-2 acting as master and the another chip in salve mode, I can also see CS1 pin is also used for JTAG operation, does this mean CS1 can place BlueNRG-2 in slave mode for SPI communications? What ...