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I'm feeling really stupid about this. We were unable to debug in our circuit, so to check, we have a standalone STM32L021D4Px, mounted to a solderless breadboard. 3.3V is connected to Pin 14, ground to pins 9 and 1, NRST to pin 4, SWDIO to pin 13 and...
I'm embarking on a project with the ST25 NFC chip. ST provides an XCube pack but I can't figure out how to install. MXCube complains that it can't handle the .zip file ( Should I have kept my old version of MXCube? I just updated ...
Posted on December 27, 2017 at 18:52All of the FATFs examples (and indeed, CubeMX) appear to be geared toward the STM32F series chips when using FatFS. I want to use the STM32L433, insofar as I have a lot of my application already written for that d...
Posted on December 08, 2017 at 21:56After CubeMX griped that my software was too old, I tried to upgrade from the New Libraries Manager, but there was an error downloading the file. I fetched the file manually, then tried installing using the New Li...
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