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Hello, my DAC can output various of symbol rate from 100ksps - 2 Mbps then I want to filter the signal at the output for removing the steps. Which filter should I consider (maybe tunable filter?), Is there any better way to do this?
Hello, my NUCLEO-H723ZG is running at 550 MHz and using maximum 137.5 MHz TIM for DAC triggering but I want triggering faster than this so, can I use external clk with frequency more than 137.5 MHz?
My board is NUCLEO-H723ZG which has 1 DAC 2 channels built-in.I actually want to transfer 2 arrays with 150,000 elements each in each DAC channel, but it is limited by the DMA size of 65535.So, I have divided that array into 6 parts for example I_dac...
I want to generate differential signal from this MCU itself. I'm using NUCLEO-H723ZG doing this which has DAC, COMP and TIM built-in.I've used 2 DAC for generate 2 simultaneous UART signals (If there's other ways to do this please recommend) but it's...